Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today - Thursday.

Tada! I know I have been quite inactive on the blog lately. But then again, I think there has been loads of time when my inactivity just takes over. I have been planning to put up some pictures ever since Poland (honest!), but the crappy internet connection here and the lack of time just makes it kind of impossible. But worry not, I'm going back soon, so I can upload tonnes of pictures!

Anyway. Today - Thursday. Tomorrow is the last day of term, and after that, bliss! 2 months of nothing-ness! I'm really looking forward to it, after a year of AC. But then again, I'm sure by the end of it, I'll be revving to come back. lol.

I haven't been up to much recently. Just taking it easy after exams. Loads of deadlines this week (but somehow still lots less than the others *chuckle*). Last week of term should be chilled out, spending time with 2nd years and all that, but nooooo, they just had to keep the pressure on. But my last deadline was yesterday, so now I'm just HAPPY! Need to pack though. I started packing yesterday, but the moment I started, I regretted it. Now I have half my cupboard on and around my bed, and I can't even move. Joy~

The Malaysian 1st years are organising a bbq for our 2nd years this afternoon, seeing that they're not coming back next term and all. (In actual reality, I just need to finish off all my food.. hehe) Spent half the evening chopping up chicken yesterday. Solehah tried to help, but gave up after about 2 chickens because of the blunt knife (it really is frustrating), so I had to finish doing the rest. I think I still smell of chicken now.. -.-"

I don't really know what else to write, except that I'm really looking forward to going back. And I'm getting my full driving license when I go back! And the summer project is just going to be absolutely amazing. If you're in Malaysia, check out The Sun / The Star this sunday, education section (Yun Ni, fingers crossed). =D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

exams are over!!!!!!!!!!! the week felt like it was never going to get by, but now its gone!!! and the next thing to look forward to.. summer holidays!!! mind's blank.. just wanna write again... EXAMS ARE OVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.