Monday, November 26, 2007
Ke mana hilangnya...
Within a mere month, 2 demonstrations have taken place, and both have been handled so agressively by the government. First it was BERSIH, then Hindraf. What reason can possible be used to justify the involvement of the FRU, what more with tear gasses and water cannons?
I lived my whole life, thinking that Malaysians are compromising, understanding, soft, humble, gentle, and everything you can think of. I come all the way here, and I compare the people here to the Malaysians back home, and I see the truth in my assumptions. But the recent happenings.. I just don't understand...
I used to read about the happenings all over the world. The monks' uprising in Burma, the Sudanese uprisal, the Catalunyan seperatists, the Palestinians' struggle.. Please, please, please, Malaysia should never enter the world stage in the same light..
Ke mana hilangnya budi bahasa kita? Ke mana hilangnya pertimbangan kita? Ke mana hilangnya maruah kita? Anak bangsa ini menitiskan air mata mengenangkan nasib..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Powys and Secret Santa!!!
So anyways, i'm just going to put in all the photos i have, and let them do most of the talking. photos do, after all, speak a thousand words....
In Atlantic College, i stay in the BEST house of all the 7 houses, which is.............
You got it!! POWYS!!! Powysians are always there for one another, and when it comes to sports events, games, competitions, or anything at all, above all the cheering from all the other houses, you'll be able to hear "POWYS!! UNITED!! WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!!!", and you'll know that the whole of Powys has turned up to support the house. Thats just how Powys is.. So hot it burns... ttsssssss~
This is our dayroom. I won't deny it, it is kinda small for all 48 of us, and what more compared to all the newer houses (Sunley and Tice), but hey, Powys might be small and old, it just brings us together, it makes Powys more of a home, and rest assured, the heart of every Powysian has a heart bigger than any other...
Here's another 2 Powysians.. Skye and Andreas..
... and a few more.. Alejandro on the far left, Max, Nathan, and Connie..
... and Anniken...
... Nik.. And yea, he's wearing a bra and holding another one.. We went to support our team during sports week wearing bras, just like Nik is right in this picture.. See what we go through for Powys?? hehe.
Powys' favourite past time... juggling!! Mike is concentrating really hard to make sure the balls don't fall..
Powys' favourite food (beside's AC's national food, which is toast and butter)... Noodles!!
Powys' favourite instrument.. the Guitar!! This here is our #1 guitarist... Nik from Malaysia!!!
Here you can see Wrenford enjoying the sound of Nik.. lol.
This was a passing craze for Powys.. Skye succeeded in building a tower or cards!!!
Knut.. nothing said.. :P
Err.. Again, nothing said..
2nd fairy.. The british Honor (her name) with an American spelling..
Malaysian meal!!! We have a Malaysian meal every now and again, just to lepas rindu for Malaysian food.. This was when we had nasi lemak.. we also had laksa sarawak, rendang, kari ayam, nasi goreng, mee goreng, bla bla bla.. The list of Malaysian food is a never ending one.. hehe.
This was during Sports Week, water polo!! At AC's indoor pool..
This was us during Hari Raya.. We went to Cardiff to go to the mosque there.. it was a bit different.. no "feel" and all, if you know what i mean..
Aliff, Syaza, Aaiaa, Me, Isatou, Assal, Nazirul, and Ariff..
Nazirul, Ariff, Arif, Aliff, Me..
Assal, Nabila, Aqeela, Aaia, Solehah, Isatou, and Syaza..
This was where we had our Hari Raya breakfast.. Sad, ain't it?? not at home.. but it was a really nice place..
In a Malaysian's home.. we just gathered, friends from AC.. Malaysians, Gambians, Pakistanis, Nigerians.. Islam itu global..
Trying our hands in men-cucuk-ing sate..
Owh, and this here is a turn from Hari Raya.. Christmas is approaching... and everyone in Powys has his/her own Secret Santa (another Powysian who will do nice things for the other Powysian). My Secret Santa left me these cookies on my bed...
.. and this message on the bathroom window..
.. and decorated my bed like this!!! Owh yea, there are 4 of us in a room, and the closest one is my bed, with the Malaysian flag on its right and the Sarawakian flag on its left.. My Secret Santa is soo cool!! lol.
Well, i guess that's it then.. hopefully, when i have more photos i'll post them up again.. 1 more week till christmas holidays!!!! i just cant wait!!!!!! =D
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
na'an iko ngajar u'ih..
anyway, quite a lot has been happening recently. How long has it been since hari raya? on the first day of hari raya, we went to cardiff, the muslims in AC who wanted to go. We went to the mosque and prayed, and after that we went to this malaysian's house. It was really nice, to be honest. it was a new change, to see how people accept others so openly, eventhough they dont know them, just because we share the same faith. we stayed at the house for a few hours, just hanging out, watching tv, and helped them cucuk sate. It was a new experience for the non-malaysians with us.
the following week, we went to london for the petronas open house. it was really cool how we met so many malaysians so far away from home. i even met this one guy from chung hua! what are the odds of that? Met a few other sarawakians as well, and even met a cousin of my friend. it really is a small world.
now i really forgot what i was about to write. I wanted to post some pictures last time, like i said in my previous post, but i didnt think there was anyone who was reading my blog, so i didnt bother to post any up too soon. but then i found out quite a few are still reading this, so like lebih bersemangat la! hehe. but how unfortunate, when im feeling like uploading the photos, i dont have my camera with me. Francis, my dormmate, took my camera with him to london, so i have to wait til he comes back to upload the photos.
we're having first aid week right now, from wednesday to friday, so we're kinda busy from 8 in the morning til about 6pm. but thats ok, coz now, if anyone nearly got themselves kill, im here!! lol.
it wont be long now til the holidays. Last day of codes is on the 5th december, and i cant wait for december!! i crammed it full with things to do, places to go, people to meet..!! =D but the sad thing is (for me, at least), i wont be going back to malaysia. i'll have to wait another few months before i go back. Probably in june or july. what i'm going to do in december? hehehe. wait and find ot.. ;)
anyways, i dont really know what else to write for now. thats always happening, you know. you think you have so much to say, but when you start saying it, you find yourself out of words and not knowing what you wanted to say.
so yea, i'll just stop here for now. u'ih la' muli'!!!! na'an iko ngajar u'ih again k.. hehe.
owh yea!! i forgot!! ok, before i start the "story", theres this tradition here in AC, where they shower the person who's birthday it is tomorrow at midnight, exactly. what they do is everyone just grabs hold of you and force you into the showers and get you wet. when theyre being really nice, its just that. but when they get mean, they use whatever rotten food they can find. last night we showered leo. It was soo bad!! in the beginning, he locked himself in his room, then ben tricked him into opening the door, and everyone practically pounced on him and tied him up with ropes. we dragged him outside, and they had all sorts of rotten food ready. there were spaghetti, beans, and plenty of other stuff. the worst was the milk. someone put the milk just by the heater for about a week to get it real bad, and when they tried to pour the milk on leo, they had to squeeze it out, coz it basically kinda became creamy.. and it reeked so bad, you could smell him from a mile away!!!
at the same time, it was gareth's birthday as well, so we all showered him after leo. the 2 of them were so wet, they tried to get into the day room (common room), but we were blocking the door. the 2 of them charged at the door, nearly got in.. then they tried using a mop and a broom to charge at the door, but the floor was so slippery, that just when they were running at the door, gareth slipped, flew into the air and landed right SMACK on his back!!! his back is still aching today!! lol!!
okok, i guess this really is the end of this entry. adios~