Monday, November 26, 2007

Ke mana hilangnya...

It hurts me so bad, to read about the happenings in Malaysia. Malaysia, the country that i love with all my heart. What has happened?

Within a mere month, 2 demonstrations have taken place, and both have been handled so agressively by the government. First it was BERSIH, then Hindraf. What reason can possible be used to justify the involvement of the FRU, what more with tear gasses and water cannons?

I lived my whole life, thinking that Malaysians are compromising, understanding, soft, humble, gentle, and everything you can think of. I come all the way here, and I compare the people here to the Malaysians back home, and I see the truth in my assumptions. But the recent happenings.. I just don't understand...

I used to read about the happenings all over the world. The monks' uprising in Burma, the Sudanese uprisal, the Catalunyan seperatists, the Palestinians' struggle.. Please, please, please, Malaysia should never enter the world stage in the same light..

Ke mana hilangnya budi bahasa kita? Ke mana hilangnya pertimbangan kita? Ke mana hilangnya maruah kita? Anak bangsa ini menitiskan air mata mengenangkan nasib..

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