Monday, June 11, 2007

the present

Ok, so im back in miri now. been here for slightly more than 24 hours, and it has been really strange, in a good way of course. appreciating all the trivial things i took for granted. i mean for example, i got into my room last night, i looked around - im alone! i locked the door - wow! i lied down - on my own bed! i turned off the lights - its dark!! it might seem like nothing, but really, u appreciate everything, once u've been deprived of them for some time.

ok, now heres an ackward moment, thinking of what to write. The future? It's always a scary thing, isnt it, the future. I try looking into the future, trying to imagine how life is going to be like. 2 years in wales, 3-5 years in the states, maybe more, and after that, gaining experience elsewhere before finally coming back to Malaysia to settle down - in the meantime, me getting my first million by 20, ;). Sounds all set out - i have nothing to worry about. Or so u think. Thats a long time, probably about 10 years. i'll be, what, 30++? when i come back - IF i come back. We never know what time can do to a person. I might, nauzubillah, God forbid, decide that im better off wherever i am at the time, and just settle down. My "inner circle" might change completely, and i might be a totally different person. Bear in mind, im not talking about myself - im just referring to myself to make it easier to write.

There are so many things to think about, so many things that can happen, and so many changes that could happen. all these might not be welcome now, at this particular moment. and thats what makes it so scary. the thought that in a few years time, that u might find wrong what is so right now. but then again, its all part of life - the changes we go through. One thing helps though, and thats remembering not to worry too much about the future, because the present has enough worries of its own - so i'm busying myself with the present. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i was like...thinking...'present'?? in 'PRESENT'? hahaha...
anyway, a good's true we don't know what will happen in the future, we can never predict anything..and, yea, we control everything right? p/s ur blog title's still playing in my mind...=P